The Dogs Have Arrived!

Dog Illustrations by Joanna Baker

Back in 2014 or so, just for fun before I had even started my illustration business, I started sketching all the little dogs I saw in my neighborhood each morning while walking to the train. Those illustrations were some of the first to make it into my Etsy shop when I launched my business. Over the years, I’ve gotten lots of requests for different breeds and I’m happy to report that eight new dogs have been added to the collection!

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An Exciting Adventure!

Joanna Baker Illustration

This year got off to a rough start. I’m still in the process of working through things, but the past couple of weeks I’ve realized that it’s been awhile since I haven’t felt stuck.

Usually when I come up against something difficult in my creative process, I tell myself “you can do this” and just try to figure things out on my own. But I’ve come to learn that sometimes in order to move forward, you can’t keep working with the same information, the same methods, and the same mindset. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and let something else in…

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Dog Illustrations by Joanna Baker

An Anniversary, a New Decade, and New Projects…

The Dog Project - Illustrations by Joanna Baker

Exactly five years ago today, I left my full-time fashion design job to pursue a creative freelance career and start my illustration business. After a wildly busy and stressful holiday season, it’s finally quiet enough around here to reflect and plan for the year ahead. The past couple of months have been really difficult for my family. I’m in a strange place right now and have been trying to be kind to myself and take one day at a time without the pressure of a deadline. But I also feel like starting something new would be helpful and delving into a project would give me something positive to work towards. Making art after all is a wonderfully soothing and healing process.

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Shop Small Holiday Sale - Joanna Baker Illustration

Shop Small Holiday Sale Starts Tuesday!

Shop Small Holiday Sale - Joanna Baker Illustration

The Shop Small Holiday Sale is coming! Be sure to sign up for my mailing list now. I’ll be sending a big heads up email on the first morning of the sale, Tuesday 11/26 at 8:00am EST that you won’t want to miss! And it will include a sneak peek about a very special, first ever Black Friday special coming later in the week.

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