Surprise! I’ve been keeping a secret for a little while now that I can finally share… I did my very first podcast interview with Craft Hangout!
Happy June!
Happy June! Time to turn your Favorite Things Calendar to the new month! Today I’m expecting samples of my brand new beach towels and I can’t wait to get them into the shop. There will be two new designs this year and they are too cute for words. Just you wait!
Upcoming Events!
Happy May!
Can you believe we’re nearly half way through the year?? Yikes!! It’s almost time for me to start working on the Favorite Things Calendar for 2020! May is such a lovely month and it just might be my favorite in the 2019 calendar. Don’t forget to turn your calendar page to the new month!
It’s here!! My very first online class is now LIVE!
The hour has arrived and my Fashion Illustration with Marker Rendering for Beginners is officially available for purchase! I’ve poured my heart and soul into this class and I really hope it finds its way into your home, sparks your imagination and inspires you to create something beautiful!