Happy new month!
Tag Archives: beach
Show Success and New Summer Art Prints!
Hi lovelies! I’m here to report that yesterday’s Ready, Set, Summer Craft Market with Grand Bazaar NYC was an amazing success! It was definitely the best event I’ve had so far and it was so great meeting all of you and talking about my illustration process, hearing what dogs you’d like me to add to my list of “city dogs”, and getting your wonderful feedback on my brand new stickers!
Beach Bound…
I’m so excited because as I type this we on en route to the beach! It’s just for the day but that’s one of the best things about living on an island… the ocean isn’t too far away! I got up early this morning and started sketching a summertime beach wishlist. Loving these bright colors!
Beach Tote: The Catrinka Project
Sunglasses: Warby Parker
Sun Hat: Anthropologie
Board Shorts: J.Crew
Earrings: J.Crew
Have a great weekend!
~Joanna <3

Beach Envy…
I truly, madly, deeply miss going to the beach over Fourth of July week with my family. It was a tradition up until my parents sold our beach house a few years ago and since then, I haven’t really made it back…