Tag Archives: fashion

Closet Fashion Illustration by Joanna Baker

Happy Labor Day…

For those of you in the US, I hope you had a happy labor day! I spent the extra day getting things done and was definitely in a cleaning mood. I ended up going through my closet and getting rid of clothes that haven’t been worn in three years. And now that I’ve taken inventory, my closet is begging me for new fall things =)

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Pre-Fall Wishlist Fashion Illustration by Joanna Baker

Wednesday Wishlist…

Pre-Fall Wishlist Fashion Illustration by Joanna Baker

I’m finally back in the city after a really nice time with my family… relaxing, making a delicious ice-cream cake, going to the beach, taking a morning ride with my Dad in his plane. The suburbs are just. so. comfortable. And it’s hard to come home to a tiny one-bedroom apartment after stretching out in all that space…

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