What to Do When You Don't Like What You Create - Joanna Baker Illustration

What to Do When You Don’t Like What You Create…

What to Do When You Don't Like What You Create - Joanna Baker Illustration

It’s something all artists have in common – at some point along our artistic journeys, we will not like what we create. Have you ever worked so hard on an illustration or painting and then felt frustrated because it looked nothing like the vision you had for it in the beginning?

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Joanna Baker Illustration - Don't Have Time to Create? Take the Pressure Off with Mark Making

Don’t Have Time to Create? Take the Pressure Off with Mark Making

Joanna Baker Illustration - Don't Have Time to Create? Take the Pressure Off with Mark Making

One thing that I think most of us feel at some point or another when we sit down to create is the pressure to make something really good. Our expectations get the best of us and it can feel like a waste of time to spend an hour creating if there’s no guarantee it will turn into a masterpiece. Feeling like you’re wasting time can easily translate into “I just don’t have time to create” and before you know it, days – weeks – MONTHS go by and you’ve convinced yourself you don’t have enough time to devote to your art…

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How to Create an Art Studio in a Small Space - Joanna Baker Illustration

Top 10 Tips for How to Create an Art Studio in a Small Space

How to Create an Art Studio in a Small Space - Joanna Baker Illustration

One thing that used to always hold me back from drawing more often was that I didn’t have a designated space for my art. Or, once I did have a place and was growing my art business, there wasn’t enough storage and I was always moving piles of things out of the way in order to work…

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