Today marks ten (10!) whole years since I made my big leap into the unknown, quit my full-time fashion design job and embarked on a journey of creative entrepreneurship. It feels only right to mark this momentous occasion with a blog post – the very thing that started it all. There have been many evolutions of my business over the past decade and while I haven’t been the greatest recently at keeping up with everything here on the blog, it really is still a record of all the phases this creative journey has taken me through. I just went back and read this post where I made the initial announcement that I’d quit my job and this one I made just two days into self-employment, LOL. In many ways I feel exactly the same as I did when I wrote those posts – uneasy about the future, hopeful for possibilities I can’t yet wrap my head around, but excited to be able to create for a living.
I’ve been thinking a lot about all the firsts…
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