Now that I’ve had a full week to recover, I wanted to take a moment and recap the absolutely amazing Etsy Pop Up Shop I had at Chelsea Market with NY Handmade Collective!

This was my first ever week long holiday event at such a busy location and I really had no idea what to expect. My plan was to create as much stock as I could in best selling items while still having enough materials at the ready to make more of whatever I sold out of…

But even with all the prepping, I completely underestimated how much traffic there would be! I ended up going home every night to make more things. My sticker maker was in go-mode pretty much every night until 2am (yikes!) and my printer was about ready to pass out by the week’s end.

Definitely a good problem to have but by the end of the week, I was pretty sleep deprived. Luckily by the time the weekend came, my friend Kristin swooped in to help me with the busiest day of the week.

There were nearly 10,000 people that stopped by on Saturday and it definitely felt like it! =) But meeting so many of you in person and feeling the love and support for my work was such an incredible experience.

I got to meet some Instagram followers in person, take selfies (shout out to @theresakellyart for stopping by and purchasing a calendar!), talk about my love of Copic markers with fellow artists, and have my work recognized by shoppers who had seen my cards in TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and Homegoods. It was so much fun!!

Meanwhile, after getting off work each night, my dear hubby was on logistics duty and would run to the post office to help mail out all the online orders that were coming in through Etsy and my online shop. It was definitely an all hands on deck kind of week!

But there was something so great about waking up, heading to the market and having my little shop all set up ready to go!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who stopped by to say hi, purchased my artwork and shared your enthusiasm for my illustrations! It can sometimes feel lonely working for myself and creating things in my home studio but when I get to share it all with you in person and see which things you love most and what makes you smile, it really does make it all worth it.
I hope you have an amazing rest of your week! The 15% off sale is still on and today is the last day to ship in time for Christmas delivery with First Class & Priority Mail. Cheers to the last two weeks of 2018!
~Joanna <3