Teacup Illustration by Joanna Baker

The Importance of Creative Routine…

Teacup Illustration by Joanna Baker

Creative routines are so important. In the same way that starting your day with a cup of tea or coffee in the morning helps to get you in the groove, establishing creative routines will help to keep your creative spark thriving and the inspiration flowing…

This can look different for everyone – maybe it’s sitting down every evening and sketching something – anything – just to get 15 minutes of practice in. Or maybe it’s setting aside one hour each weekend to illustrate something just for you. It can even mean choosing one new way to be creative each month, from cake decorating to flower arranging, furniture refinishing or trying a medium that you’ve always wondered about.

Without creative routines set it place, it’s easy to push aside that part of our brain that’s curious and excited to create. Life happens, things come up that feel more important in the moment and before you know it, you’ve lost touch with that side of yourself, progress has stalled, and you feel like it’s not worthy of your time. But there’s a nagging feeling that something is missing and you can’t quite put your finger on it.

The key to consistent artistic progress in consistent practice. Routines help us stay on track. They put the act of carving out time for things on auto pilot so we have more freedom within that window. If you’re always trying to convince your brain that creative time is worthy of your time, you’re more likely to lose the battle. Instead, decide for yourself once and then prioritize your creative time by working it into your weekly schedule.

This is a big part of why I created The Bountiful Artist illustration membership. I know how hard it is to keep coming back to your art when life gets in the way. The Bountiful Artist is a gentle nudge, calling you to make time for yourself, draw something beautiful, and recommit to your creative practice. And the best part? You get to do that alongside a bunch of other lovely people who are all committed to doing just that!

There are less than two days left to enroll in the membership, doors close on Saturday, August 28th at 11:59pm EST. I don’t want you to miss out on the joy of creating with brush markers and having the support of myself and our community!

There are over 40 hours of lessons waiting for you right now inside the membership including this beautiful teacup tutorial! I decided to maintain the current price through the end of the year but when we reopen in 2022, the price will go up to reflect all of the additional content. Join now and lock in your price for as long as you are a member. I can’t wait to see what you create inside The Bountiful Artist and celebrate our new members in the Welcome Party on Sunday!
