Nearly a month and a half ago, the most amazing thing to ever happen… happened! We got married =) The whirlwind of a beautiful day, evening, and weekend after so much planning, stressing, and organizing made it totally worth it. And I couldn’t wait to share pictures and draw all the pretty things! But I needed to take a break…
Fast forward to now and I’m starting to think about sitting back down and getting into the swing of things. We have finally *almost* finished unpacking and finding places for our beautiful new wedding things and after a major cleanse and purge (thanks in part to Apartment Therapy’s January Cure) our little apartment is almost in order!
This year I plan on adding new things to the shop including a few of my favorite sewing prints from my last giveaway! Stay tuned for more sketches and shop updates and thanks for hanging in there during my post-wedding hiatus =) I’m so ready for 2014!
~Joanna <3