Milestones Great & Small…

instagram-recap-joanna-bakerI’m a firm believer in celebrating victories big and small when you’re working hard to pursue a dream… and this past Sunday, I reached 3,000 Instagram followers!

When I quit my full-time job back in January of this year, I had a vision of where I wanted to be, the support of my close friends and family, and about 600 sweet Instagram cheerleaders giving me that extra boost to make the leap.

Fast forward nearly 5 1/2 months later and I’m able to share my journey with some wonderful people! I love seeing the comments and making a connection through my art, it helps me to keep going, keep pushing to achieve my goals and know in my heart that if you work hard enough and believe in yourself, you can will your dreams into reality.

I hope you have a happy Wednesday and a wonderful July 1st! I’m excited to celebrate the 4th this weekend with some dear friends and hopefully plenty of watermelon! =)

~Joanna <3

2 thoughts on “Milestones Great & Small…

    1. Joanna Baker Post author

      Thanks, Tonya! I think the best things to do are to keep posting and making connections through your posts. I love following creative people on Instagram, commenting on their posts and forming “Insta”relationships with other artists. It’s a great community to be a part of! I’ve also been more conscious of what I post so it feels more consistent. Pretty much anything related to my art that makes me happy =) Wish you all the best!
      ~Joanna <3

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